Last updated on 01/25/2023


This Site is published by ISMAST ENERGY SARL

Limited liability company with share capital of 5,000,000 CFA francs

RRCM no .: RB-COT/16 B 17512

IFU: 3201643112618


number : +229 64 53 65 65 / +229 66 15 59 76

address :

Maisha Creative Agency is the technical service provider.

Address: C/1989 Zogbohouè
E-mail address: Telephone: 00229 96 72 12 68


Hosting is provided by Planet Hoster


Acceptance of Terms of Use

Consulting the site implies your acceptance of these Terms of Use. We invite you to read them carefully.

These Terms of Use may be modified at any time and without notice, we urge you to consult them regularly.

The site ( the “Site”) is governed by Beninese law; visitors accessing the site from abroad must ensure compliance with locally applicable laws. The legal notices can be modified at any time and without notice, we urge you to consult them regularly.


Intellectual property

ISMAST ENERGY owns, reserves and retains all property rights, in particular intellectual property, including reproduction rights on this Site and the elements it contains. All patents, logos, texts, layouts, visuals, photographs, graphics, icons and all other distinctive elements contained in the pages of this Site are the exclusive property of ISMAST ENERGY.

The creation of hypertext links to the Site can only be made with the written, prior and revocable authorization at any time of ISMAST ENERGY.

These Terms of Use do not entail the transfer of any intellectual property rights to your benefit either on the structure or on the content of the Site.

Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part for purposes other than your personal and private use for non-commercial purposes, on any medium and by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the written authorization of ISMAST ENERGY. Any infringement of intellectual property rights would constitute an infringement.

You expressly agree that your consultation of the Site in no way infringes the rights of ISMAST ENERGY.


Personal data

ISMAST ENERGY processes your personal data in compliance with the regulations. You can consult the terms and conditions in the “Privacy Policy” section.



Given the technical characteristics of the Internet network used for the purpose of using the Site, you declare that you know and assume the risks arising directly or indirectly from the provision and transmission of data on this same network.

Although ISMAST ENERGY strives to provide a reliable Site and despite all the care taken in its operation, errors may remain on the Site. In no event shall ISMAST ENERGY be held liable for direct or indirect damage which may result from access to the Site or the use of the information it presents (eg errors , omissions, inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses that could affect your computer equipment). Consequently, you are invited to carry out all useful checks.


ISMAST ENERGY cannot in particular be held responsible for the presence of viruses on the Site or any other malicious software (worms, Trojan horses, spyware, etc.). In this regard, you agree to take all necessary security measures. Consequently , you acknowledge that you are using the Site under your exclusive responsibility and you are invited to carry out all useful checks. It is your responsibility in particular to set up or ensure the existence of means to secure your personal computer network, as well as to ensure the correct configuration of the connection box (box) connected to the Internet service provider, and other radio access ( e.g. WIFI, 4G etc…).


ISMAST ENERGY cannot be held liable in the event of interruption of access to the Site. In addition, ISMAST ENERGY may temporarily or permanently interrupt access to the Site.


To guarantee the efficiency and security of the services, we reserve the right to make changes to the technical characteristics of the services at any time.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, under no circumstances shall ISMAST ENERGY or its partners be liable for consequential damages, loss of profit or damages arising from loss of data or loss of operation caused by the use or the inability to use the Site or its contents, whether based on contract or tort and whether or not ISMAST ENERGY was advised of the possibility of such damages.


Force Majeure

In case of force majeure or fortuitous event (such as interruption of connections and/or power supply), ISMAST ENERGY reserves the right to suspend or interrupt the operation of the Site without notice. The case of force majeure suspends the obligations of ISMAST ENERGY during the time when the force majeure will come into play.


Expressly are considered as cases of force majeure, in addition to those presenting the criteria retained by the law and the jurisprudence of the Benin courts and tribunals, fires, storms, lightning, strikes, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, attacks, explosions, wars, military operations or civil unrest, blockages of means of transport or supply, interruption of energy supply, computer viruses, phenomena of electrical and electromagnetic interference that disrupt mobile networks, any legislative or regulatory restriction on the provision of all or part of the Site and any decision by a public authority not attributable to ISMAST ENERGY and preventing the provision of the Site, in particular those relating to trade imposed by a organization or a national or international authority, as well as any modifications of these, and in general the events having required Site of local or national plans for maintaining the continuity of telecommunications services.


Contents of the Site

Although ISMAST ENERGY strives to provide reliable content and despite all the care taken in writing the texts and publishing the photographs, it is possible that errors may remain in the information presented on this Site. In no event shall ISMAST ENERGY be held liable for direct or indirect damage which may result from access to the Site or the use of the information it presents (eg errors , omissions, inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses that could affect the user’s computer equipment). Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility and is invited to carry out all useful checks.



ISMAST ENERGY has no means of controlling the content of third-party sites/Third-party sites. ISMAST ENERGY therefore formally declines all responsibility for the content of the sites to which links lead. These links are offered to users of the ISMAST ENERGY Site or the websites/Sites of affiliated entities as a service. The decision to activate the links rests exclusively with the users. We also remind you that non-affiliated sites/Sites are subject to their own terms of use.

ISMAST ENERGY has implemented measures to ensure the security of personal data collected on the Site. However, ISMAST ENERGY wishes to draw users’ attention to the possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data related to the operation of the Internet. In particular, it is up to users to set up or ensure the existence of means to secure their personal computer network, as well as to ensure the correct configuration of the connection box (box) connected to the Internet service provider, and other radio access ( ex.: WIFI, 4G etc…)


User obligations

You may use this Site only in accordance with these Terms of Use and in any event your use must only be made for lawful purposes, i.e. in compliance with all laws, regulations and practices in force in France or in the country from which you are accessing this Site.


In particular, you agree to:


Not to publish, transmit or disseminate any harmful, obscene, defamatory or illicit information either on this site or from the latter;

Not to use this Site in a way that could infringe the rights of others;

Do not copy-paste or reproduce, whether in part or in full, on any medium and by any process whatsoever, for collective use, the elements appearing on this Site, such as logos, texts, layouts, visuals, photographs, graphics, icons, diagrams, photographs, except with the prior written authorization of ISMAST ENERGY;

Not make unauthorized, false or fraudulent reservations;

Not to use any software, “routine” or device with a view to hindering or attempting to hinder the proper functioning of the Site, whether manually or electronically, by any means whatsoever, being particularly aimed at downloading or make accessible files containing altered data or viruses ;

Not to degrade, alter or modify the graphic aspect of this Site or the codes of the software constituting it;

Not to take any action that may cause unreasonable or disproportionate traffic to the Site or any related infrastructure;

Not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to any of our networks by any means.


Purchase of visuals

Some visuals purchased from image banks (Getty, Thinkstock, Shutterstock) are not the property of ISMAST ENERGY. Therefore, they can in no way be copied except to pay the rights to the owners of these visuals.


Any downloading or reproduction of the elements appearing on this Site with specific authorization in order to be integrated into a website or a blog must be the subject of specific authorization from ISMAST ENERGY.

Without prejudice to all its other rights (whether legal or otherwise), ISMAST ENERGY reserves the right to refuse you access to this Site if it deems (in its sole discretion) that you are violating the any of the provisions of these Terms of Use or applicable laws.



ISMAST ENERGY reserves the right to make improvements or make changes to the information, services, products and other elements of this Site, or to close it, at any time, without prior notice.

If you breach these Terms of Use and we don’t immediately take action, that doesn’t mean we waive our rights. ISMAST ENERGY can thus always take measures on this subject later.


ISMAST ENERGY reserves the right to make improvements or make changes to the information, services, products and other elements of this Site, or to close it, at any time, without prior notice.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid, this will not affect the other provisions of these Terms of Use.

ISMAST ENERGY reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, these modifications being immediately applicable, as soon as they are posted on this Site. Therefore, by continuing to access or use this Site, you are deemed to have accepted the modifications to these Terms of Use.

The Site and its terms and conditions of use are governed by Beninese law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of any dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to find an amicable solution, the courts of Cotonou will have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the Site.


Act ethically

ISMAST ENERGY implements actions so that employees likely to encounter risky situations have a good knowledge of the rules relating to business ethics. It is also to reduce the likelihood of violation of competition law, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering or export control laws.


Pictures and illustrations

Property of ISMAST ENERGY or purchases from image banks (Getty, Thinkstock, Shutterstock)






Technical architecture and software

Solution development and infrastructure architecture: Maisha Creative Agency