Supply and installation of solar photovoltaic system in four (04) health center and college of some rural localities


Main Company : VICO SARL

Contracting Authority : ABERME : Beninese Agency for Rural Electrification and Energy Management


VICO SARL: Akpakpa, Cotonou

ABERME: Fidjrossè, Cotonou

Physical size

Structural work




January – March 2021

Brief description of the work done:

Supply and installation of solar photovoltaic system in :

  • Agropastoral Technical High School of Bariénou (Commune of DJOUGOU) 7,92 kWp with38,4kWh@C20 installed
  • Health center of Adrogbo (commune of Lokossa) 5,28 kWp with28,8kWh@C20 installed,
  • Health center of Piami (commune of SEGBANA) 3,90 kWp with19,2kWh@C20 installed,
  • Health center of Saloudji (Commune of DJIDJA) 3,90 kWp with19,2kWh@C20 installed,
  • Health Center of Goutin (Commune of ADJOHOUN) 3,90 kWp with19,2kWh@C20 installed
  • Work execution study :
  • Construction of the solar field, fixing of the modules supports;
  • Wiring of the system and installation of the storage park, converter,
  • Rehabilitation of electrical installations at various sites
  • Commissioning and periodic maintenance.

We are positioning ourselves to become the N°1 Energy Efficiency intervention in Benin.