The members of the National Council of the promoters of Web television of Benin (Conaweb) met this Wednesday, January 20, 2021 to form wishes at the dawn of this new year. It is the headquarters of Video Leader that hosted the ceremony.

At the beginning of the hostilities, Ismène Ahamidé Zounmènou, promoter of Ismast Energy SARL, briefly presented her company to the WebTV bosses. Ismast Energy SARL is involved in renewable energy, electrical and solar systems maintenance and training. She seized the opportunity to present her best wishes to the promoters of online audiovisual press who, inevitably, will need energy to run their media.

The honor fell to Faridath Assouma to train media professionals on energy conservation and efficiency. During her presentation, she insisted on the appliances to adopt in order to consume less energy. WebTV promoters are advised to use devices that meet certain characteristics. From now on, they will not have to pay a fortune for electricity bills. Because, with this training, the consumption will drastically decrease. She did not fail to give some keys to implement to avoid high bills. “Even if the device is turned off, it should be unplugged to prevent the charger from consuming power without you having worked.” The quality of the lamp and other devices allows to consume less. Also, she insisted, when demand is high, consumption triples in an hour. That’s why you have to work when many are at rest in order to save money. The overall cost, which actually includes the maintenance and use of the devices, varies from one device to another. It is better to invest a lot in the purchase to not only benefit from it for a long time but also and especially to reduce energy consumption.

Following the presentation with questions and answers, the president of the national council of WebTV promoters, Wilfrid Kintossou, thanked the promoter of Ismast Energy SARL before rebounding on the challenges facing the promoters of online television. Indeed, since the installation of Conaweb in July 2020, the board works tirelessly for the “establishment of a partnership plan between WebTV, the search for funding for training of media professionals operating at the WebTV,” he said. Other projects such as the creation of a directory of WebTVs in Benin, advocacy for a review of the conditions of registration of WebTVs and especially of the terms of reference at the Haac and the realization of the mapping of WebTVs in Benin are major concerns of President Kintossou.

To succeed in this challenge, he urged his colleagues to join hands more. “We ask you to be with us and for us” in the struggle to achieve the desired goals, he said. The participants did not hide their joy of belonging to a network that is committed to the collective development of digital media.

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